4 Popular Live Streaming Platforms To Stream Your Next Event

By Miguel Peguero on October 28, 2019

Event live streaming has become the norm in order to reach people across the world, but it wasn’t always this way. At one time, event planners were concerned that live streaming would negatively impact their event because it lacked the face-to-face interaction that most meetings provide. They were also concerned that it would provide a less than ideal experience, with viewers receiving “iffy” video and audio. But times have changed, and today live streaming has become very common at events, encompassing everything from weddings and concerts to business conference live streams. 

History of Event Live Streaming

Times flies, so it may be hard to believe that the first live stream occurred over 25 years ago. The first live stream on the internet was performed in 1993, when the Xerox corporation’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) hosted a small show in the city and decided to try to broadcast it through the internet to engineers who were in another room. A band known as Severe Tire Damage was playing at the event, and almost by accident, their show became the first-ever live streaming event. It was successful enough that just a year later, the Rolling Stones were live-streaming a concert. 

Based on these successes, it wasn’t long before live-streaming companies began to pop-up, streaming baseball games and other mass-audience events. Then, in 2008, the first YouTube live stream was created, making it possible for people to watch live concerts, television shows, and more from the comfort of their computer. 

Four Popular Event Live Streaming Options

When you’re hosting an NYC event and some attendees aren’t able to make it do to location or cost, there are a number of live streaming options available. Here are some ways how to steam live for your next event.

1. Facebook Live

Many of us use Facebook to keep up with friends and family (or to post the latest meme), but Facebook can also be used for live stream functionality. With Facebook Live, an event planner, attendees, or fans can share what is happening at any engagement, right in the moment. The tool allows users to choose their audience and receive real-time feedback (or emojis) in the comments section of the stream.

2. Live

The Live app works on Windows and Mac computers, iOS devices, and internet-capable cameras (including GoPro). Live lets users run simultaneous streaming sessions across platforms on one central dashboard, making it easy to broadcast an event across numerous channels through a single program, rather than managing multiple live stream services.

3. YouNow

While the YouNow app is marketed toward younger audiences, it’s still a great way to expose your event to anyone via computer, Android, iPhone, or iPad. It’s simple to use; all you need to do is list and host your event broadcast, create a searchable hashtag, take a snapshot, click to share, and hit the “Go Live” button. It’s like Twitter, video-style!

4. YouTube Live

Offered to all Google and YouTube users, this free app enables users to go live at any time. There is a robust set of features, such as viewing invitations, chat room capability through live comments, and event scheduling. It’s an easy way to live stream a conference or any other event through one of the world’s most-used social media platforms. 

Interested in Event Live Streaming?

If you’re interested in event live streaming but want a personal and professional touch, you may want to find a reputable event production company that can help. Along with supplying superior audiovisual and support, One Way Event Productions does just that. Our high-definition IMAG video cameras allow us to film your event and stream to any part of the world, as well as project a larger-than-life image on-screen for all to see. With multiple camera angles, our video switcher can go from one shot to another, and have audiences engaged and sharing in the moment. 

Want to learn more about how to stream live? We can talk to you about the best lights for live streaming, the best mic stand for streaming, and much more. Contact us today to speak with an NYC event production expert!
