Audiovisual & Event Safety: What You Need To Consider

By Miguel Peguero on July 1, 2020

When people think about safety at events, their first thoughts are usually geared towards security staff and protocols. While those elements are incredibly important to event planning, they’re not the end-all-be-all of event safety. There’s a great deal of thought and attention that has to go into planning a safe event from an AV perspective.

The Ultimate Safety Checklist for Events

Lighting for Event Safety and Security

Adequate lighting is actually incredibly important to any event safety plan. The use of sufficient lighting can help supplement event risk management by highlighting safety hazards and assisting with security monitoring. It also helps security and medical teams on location in the event of an incident or evacuation.

Event lighting should:

  • Define space boundaries
  • Light walkways and venues well for walkability
  • Have emergency lighting on standby
  • Light exits and exit signs
  • Be tested to code and in date

Noise and Volume Safety

Not many people consider noise levels when they think about safety. At music festivals, concerts, fairs, and the like, it feels almost implied that there will be high volumes of noise involved. Nevertheless, loud noises can be harmful to the ears, leading to permanent damage or loss.

When planning a safe event, consider the risks that come with noise exposure and take steps to control noise levels. Give employees and staff regular breaks from loud noise, whether it be from the sound systems at the event or machinery during set-up and break-down. You can also provide quiet areas for attendees to retreat to for noise breaks. Monitor the overall sound output of your systems to make sure they don’t exceed safe levels and arrange your event space so the audience isn’t within 10 feet of loudspeakers.

Element-Resistant Equipment

Severe weather can come unannounced at times and requires event managers and audiovisual teams to adapt quickly. When Mother Nature strikes, she can throw an entire event of course, especially if it’s taking place outdoors

Being aware of event production safety and prepared for weather conditions can aid safety measures as well as protect event equipment. Equipment, such as rigging for AV equipment and outdoor stages, needs to be adequately secured. The size and weight of such equipment can be hazards in of themselves if they become damaged or fall during severe weather, presenting both safety, security, and financial risks. Factoring in the suitability of a venue is important in this regard as well because some may not adjust for the elements.

Investing in equipment and gear that’s suited to withstand rough weather (like strong winds, lightning, snowstorms, etc.) is a crucial element of any event safety plan.

Trip Hazard Awareness

Securing cables and wires at events is mandatory. This is for the safety of all crew, contractors, and attendees. Unsecured lines can lead to someone tripping and hurting themselves, which could result in a lawsuit. Any and all cables that stretch across the floor should have a cable ramp to limit this risk.

Properly Installing Equipment

Having extremely heavy equipment and lighting hanging in the air above both staff and attendees already sounds dangerous; if the equipment is improperly rigged, it becomes potentially deadly. Having certified riggers and experienced staff can make all the difference between a fun time and a tragedy. The same goes for properly installing LED walls. Without the right counterbalance support structure behind it, LED walls can collapse and fall, putting performers, speakers, and viewers all at risk. Always have trained professionals install or rig equipment, and be sure to double-check it.

Highly-Trained AV Team Members

No one understands audiovisual dangers better than skilled and experienced AV crews. This is the staff that will be setting up large structures, managing and securing heavy equipment, and rigging lights from hanging structures. With so many different moving parts, you’ll want to make sure that you’re hiring a highly trained crew who sees event safety as a priority. If you don’t have properly trained professionals, you have a higher chance of things going wrong, which puts people’s safety at risk.

One Way Event Productions’ team of experienced, trained professionals takes event safety seriously. Contact us to learn more about what measures should be taken to make your event safe for everyone involved and how we can help with event safety management.

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