Event Spotlight: Mobile Recording

By Miguel Peguero on July 22, 2017

Production pre-recording project. We’re proud to announce that we recently did some audio mobile recording work for a new project by a major production studio; to be released later this year. The studio requested that we do an audio pre recording for two scenes where musicians and vocalist would be performing on camera. The studio opted not to record the music live so they called us in for the job. Our mobile recording studio rig was the perfect fit. We married a Pro Tools 12 equipped laptop with one of our Midas consoles which is fitted with the warmth of Midas’ world renown preamps and we had a perfect match. Our Engineer carefully selected the appropriate microphones for each instrument and the results were phenomenal. The instruments recorded included:

  • Electric Guitar
  • Upright Bass
  • Tenor Saxophone
  • Grand Piano
  • 6 vocalist
  • Room microphones

Once we hit record the computer handled all the tracked effortlessly and the musicians and producers couldn’t have been happier with the results. Our engineer mixed the tracks on site, and within a matter of minuets we handed the mix over to the production team for playback during filming. See below for some photos we took on the job. [gdl_gallery title=”Mobile recording gallery” width=”400″ height=”400″ galid=”1″ ]]]>