One Way Event Productions

13 Questions to Ask Your AV Vendor

Unless you’re an audio-visual expert or have worked with dozens of AV companies in the past, you’ll undoubtedly have a number of questions when you have a job quoted out. So, when you’re sourcing a provider, you want to find one that is patient and willing to answer all your questions (if they’re not, it’s probably time to look elsewhere). So without further ado, here are the thirteen questions you should ask—and why.

Thirteen Questions to Ask Your AV Vendor

1. What are your costs and will you walk me through your quote?

Chances are, there will be items on your quote that you’re not familiar with (and therefore, won’t understand the associated charges). So, ask the vendor to walk you through the quote line item by line item and explain what every piece of equipment is. Not only will this give you an understanding of the equipment, it will also allow you or a member of your team to perform an inventory check at the venue so that you can be certain you’re not paying for items you didn’t get.

For more, read What to Expect on an AV Quote.

2. Are there any ways to save money?

Every event has a budget, and it makes you look good if you can come in under budget. So, ask your vendor to work with you to determine if there are any ways to save money. This may require some equipment cuts or substitutions (for example, using wired microphones instead of hands-free lavaliers), cutting labor costs (can the video engineer perform the duties of the video switcher and graphics/playback operator?). You may also be able to save money by paying up front rather than taking on a 60- or 90-day payment plan.

For more, read 12 Ways to Save Money on an AV Quote.

3. Are there any exciting new technologies I can employ?

If you really want to make an impression and cost isn’t a concern, you may want to inquire about new technologies. Today, event-goers expect much more than a stage, a podium, and a speaker. So, turn heads and create an event they’ll remember with virtual reality, augmented reality, LED walls, projection mapping, and other 21st-century tech. The right AV vendor will be able to make suggestions that will make an impact. 

For more, read How to Make Your Event More Experiential.

4. What makes you the best?

Don’t be shy about asking your NYC AV vendor what makes them better than the rest. Their points of differentiation may vary, and who you choose may depend on a number of factors. Some things to consider include:

The NYC company you select will almost always be based on your needs and budget.

5. Who will be my Project Manager and can I meet them before signing?

The Project Manager (PM), sometimes referred to as the Technical Director, will be your best friend throughout the event planning process, so you want to be sure you’re compatible! The PM works with you to ensure everything runs smoothly before, during, and after the event. They also act as a liaison between you and all other AV crew members to simplify your life. So again, you want to be sure that you’re on the same page before signing a contract.

For more, read Understanding the Role of Everyone on an Event Production Team.

6. What other companies have you worked with?

This question is all about determining how trustworthy your AV vendor is. Have they worked with other prominent companies? Have they hosted events featuring noteworthy speakers or performers? And what industries have they worked within?

7. What other services do you offer?

Depending on your needs, you may want to choose an AV vendor that offers services other than strictly audio and visual. Some AV companies also provide 3D renderings of the event so you can visualize the setup before it’s actually set up; others will help with stage buildout and design; and lastly, some can perform mobile recording if you need to capture a performance and the audience’s reaction.

8. How hands-on is your team?

We mentioned this earlier, but it cannot be stressed enough. Planning an event is stressful, and you want to be sure you have an AV team that you can count on; one that will help you before, during, and after the event, not one that drops off the equipment and then drops out. A hands-on team may cost a bit more, but it’s worth having them on-hand to set up, operate equipment, troubleshoot any problems, and make last-minute changes or additions if needed.

9. Will I have the same technicians throughout my event?

You’d be surprised at how often this happens, especially during multi-day events. Over the duration of the event, technicians in any discipline may be swapped out for another. Now, the new technician has to learn the venue and the setup, while also meeting you for the first time and getting acquainted with the flow of the show. This is added stress that an event planner doesn’t need (and it can lead to errors) so you want your team locked in barring any emergency.

10. Are you familiar with the venue I’ve chosen?

Event production teams get around, so there’s a good chance they may have worked in your selected venue previously. This can make things easier, as they’re likely to know about potential challenges the venue presents in advance, along with room sizes and layouts, load restrictions and venue policies, lighting needs, and more. Of course, just because a vendor hasn’t been to your venue is not a reason to discount them (especially in a big city like New York; there are a lot of venues). You’ll just want to be sure they’re willing to scope it out beforehand to understand the space they have to work with and visualize the event (and perhaps provide 3D renderings). 

11. Can you work within my budget?

This could be one of the most important questions you can ask. theres no use in going through all the back and forth with each other if the AV company cant come close to your budget. This should be one of the first questions you should ask. Many times planners take bids in an effort to see who can come in the lowest but if you’re upfront with your budget and several vendors agree they can hit your budget mark now don’t have to chose a vendor based on price but on quality. 

12. Can you do a walkthrough of the space?

Having your vendor walk the space with you can mitigate many issues and it will allow them to see things that you may have missed or didn’t think were important. Things like ceiling height, elevator dimensions, available power and such. Many venues list their highest point as their celling height but don’t disclose actual usable hight. Your audio visual vendor can catch these things for you. In this time your vendor should be taking photos and measurements, walking the load in path and be on the lookout for obstacles.

For more, watch Event Planning Site Visit Basics.

13. Is there anything else I should add to my event?

Your AV company should be experts at what they do and being experts they should be keeping abreast of what new trends and technologies are available for your event. You would be remiss if you didn’t ask their opinion and what additions they would make if they could have their way. Always keep in mind that your AV company should be an asset to your event. Use them as a consultant to bring your event to the next level.

Planning an Event?

If you’re planning an event, no matter how big or small, give the experts at One Way Event Productions a call. We’ll provide you with a quick and fair quote, and will be sure you understand exactly what you’re getting; if pricing is a problem, we’ll also work with you to be sure you get what you need at a cost that’s reasonable. We’re a hands-on team, and we will be with you every step of the way. Our team has worked with Grammy award-winning artists, Fortune 500 companies, and U.S. Presidents and politicians, so when you choose One Way, you know you’re working with the best. We consider ourselves “hard-working, yet easy to work with,” and we can’t wait to hear from you. Contact us today to learn more. 

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